Source code for django_select2.forms

Django-Select2 Widgets.

These components are responsible for rendering
the necessary HTML data markups. Since this whole
package is to render choices using Select2 JavaScript
library, hence these components are meant to be used
with choice fields.

Widgets are generally of two types:

    1. **Light** --
    They are not meant to be used when there
    are too many options, say, in thousands.
    This is because all those options would
    have to be pre-rendered onto the page
    and JavaScript would be used to search
    through them. Said that, they are also one
    the most easiest to use. They are a
    drop-in-replacement for Django's default
    select widgets.

    2(a). **Heavy** --
    They are suited for scenarios when the number of options
    are large and need complex queries (from maybe different
    sources) to get the options.

    This dynamic fetching of options undoubtedly requires
    Ajax communication with the server. Django-Select2 includes
    a helper JS file which is included automatically,
    so you need not worry about writing any Ajax related JS code.
    Although on the server side you do need to create a view
    specifically to respond to the queries.

    2(b). **Model** --
    Model-widgets are a further specialized versions of Heavies.
    These do not require views to serve Ajax requests.
    When they are instantiated, they register themselves
    with one central view which handles Ajax requests for them.

Heavy and Model widgets have respectively the word 'Heavy' and 'Model' in
their name.  Light widgets are normally named, i.e. there is no 'Light' word
in their names.

.. inheritance-diagram:: django_select2.forms
    :parts: 1

import operator
import uuid
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from pickle import PicklingError  # nosec

import django
from django import forms
from django.contrib.admin.widgets import SELECT2_TRANSLATIONS, AutocompleteMixin
from django.core import signing
from django.db.models import Q
from django.forms.models import ModelChoiceIterator
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import get_language

from .cache import cache
from .conf import settings

if django.VERSION < (4, 0):
    from django.contrib.admin.utils import (
        lookup_needs_distinct as lookup_spawns_duplicates,
    from django.contrib.admin.utils import lookup_spawns_duplicates

[docs]class Select2Mixin: """ The base mixin of all Select2 widgets. This mixin is responsible for rendering the necessary data attributes for select2 as well as adding the static form media. """ css_class_name = "django-select2" theme = None empty_label = "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.i18n_name = SELECT2_TRANSLATIONS.get(get_language())
[docs] def build_attrs(self, base_attrs, extra_attrs=None): """Add select2 data attributes.""" default_attrs = { "lang": self.i18n_name, "data-minimum-input-length": 0, "data-theme": self.theme or settings.SELECT2_THEME, } if self.is_required: default_attrs["data-allow-clear"] = "false" else: default_attrs["data-allow-clear"] = "true" default_attrs["data-placeholder"] = self.empty_label or "" default_attrs.update(base_attrs) attrs = super().build_attrs(default_attrs, extra_attrs=extra_attrs) if "class" in attrs: attrs["class"] += " " + self.css_class_name else: attrs["class"] = self.css_class_name return attrs
[docs] def optgroups(self, name, value, attrs=None): """Add empty option for clearable selects.""" if not self.is_required and not self.allow_multiple_selected: self.choices = list(chain([("", "")], self.choices)) return super().optgroups(name, value, attrs=attrs)
@property def media(self): """ Construct Media as a dynamic property. .. Note:: For more information visit """ select2_js = [settings.SELECT2_JS] if settings.SELECT2_JS else [] select2_css = settings.SELECT2_CSS if settings.SELECT2_CSS else [] if isinstance(select2_css, str): select2_css = [select2_css] i18n_file = [] if self.i18n_name in settings.SELECT2_I18N_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES: i18n_file = [f"{settings.SELECT2_I18N_PATH}/{self.i18n_name}.js"] return forms.Media( js=select2_js + i18n_file + ["django_select2/django_select2.js"], css={"screen": select2_css + ["django_select2/django_select2.css"]}, )
[docs]class Select2AdminMixin: """Select2 mixin that uses Django's own select template.""" css_class_name = "admin-autocomplete" theme = "admin-autocomplete" @property def media(self): return forms.Media( js=Select2Mixin().media._js, css=AutocompleteMixin(None, None).media._css, )
[docs]class Select2TagMixin: """Mixin to add select2 tag functionality."""
[docs] def build_attrs(self, base_attrs, extra_attrs=None): """Add select2's tag attributes.""" default_attrs = { "data-minimum-input-length": 1, "data-tags": "true", "data-token-separators": '[",", " "]', } default_attrs.update(base_attrs) return super().build_attrs(default_attrs, extra_attrs=extra_attrs)
[docs]class Select2Widget(Select2Mixin, forms.Select): """ Select2 drop in widget. Example usage:: class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ('my_field', ) widgets = { 'my_field': Select2Widget } or:: class MyForm(forms.Form): my_choice = forms.ChoiceField(widget=Select2Widget) """
[docs]class Select2MultipleWidget(Select2Mixin, forms.SelectMultiple): """ Select2 drop in widget for multiple select. Works just like :class:`.Select2Widget` but for multi select. """
[docs]class Select2TagWidget(Select2TagMixin, Select2Mixin, forms.SelectMultiple): """ Select2 drop in widget for for tagging. Example for :class:`.django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField`:: class MyWidget(Select2TagWidget): def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): values = super().value_from_datadict(data, files, name) return ",".join(values) def optgroups(self, name, value, attrs=None): values = value[0].split(',') if value[0] else [] selected = set(values) subgroup = [self.create_option(name, v, v, selected, i) for i, v in enumerate(values)] return [(None, subgroup, 0)] """
[docs]class HeavySelect2Mixin: """Mixin that adds select2's AJAX options and registers itself on Django's cache.""" dependent_fields = {} def __init__(self, attrs=None, choices=(), **kwargs): """ Return HeavySelect2Mixin. Args: data_view (str): URL pattern name data_url (str): URL dependent_fields (dict): Dictionary of dependent parent fields. The value of the dependent field will be passed as to :func:`.filter_queryset`. It can be used to further restrict the search results. For example, a city widget could be dependent on a country. Key is a name of a field in a form. Value is a name of a field in a model (used in `queryset`). """ super().__init__(attrs, choices) self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.field_id = signing.dumps(self.uuid) self.data_view = kwargs.pop("data_view", None) self.data_url = kwargs.pop("data_url", None) dependent_fields = kwargs.pop("dependent_fields", None) if dependent_fields is not None: self.dependent_fields = dict(dependent_fields) if not (self.data_view or self.data_url): raise ValueError('You must ether specify "data_view" or "data_url".') self.userGetValTextFuncName = kwargs.pop("userGetValTextFuncName", "null")
[docs] def get_url(self): """Return URL from instance or by reversing :attr:`.data_view`.""" if self.data_url: return self.data_url return reverse(self.data_view)
[docs] def build_attrs(self, base_attrs, extra_attrs=None): """Set select2's AJAX attributes.""" default_attrs = { "data-ajax--url": self.get_url(), "data-ajax--cache": "true", "data-ajax--type": "GET", "data-minimum-input-length": 2, } if self.dependent_fields: default_attrs["data-select2-dependent-fields"] = " ".join( self.dependent_fields ) default_attrs.update(base_attrs) attrs = super().build_attrs(default_attrs, extra_attrs=extra_attrs) attrs["data-field_id"] = self.field_id attrs["class"] += " django-select2-heavy" return attrs
[docs] def render(self, *args, **kwargs): """Render widget and register it in Django's cache.""" output = super().render(*args, **kwargs) self.set_to_cache() return output
def _get_cache_key(self): return "%s%s" % (settings.SELECT2_CACHE_PREFIX, self.uuid)
[docs] def set_to_cache(self): """ Add widget object to Django's cache. You may need to overwrite this method, to pickle all information that is required to serve your JSON response view. """ try: cache.set(self._get_cache_key(), {"widget": self, "url": self.get_url()}) except (PicklingError, AttributeError): msg = 'You need to overwrite "set_to_cache" or ensure that %s is serialisable.' raise NotImplementedError(msg % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class HeavySelect2Widget(HeavySelect2Mixin, Select2Widget): """ Select2 widget with AJAX support that registers itself to Django's Cache. Usage example:: class MyWidget(HeavySelect2Widget): data_view = 'my_view_name' or:: class MyForm(forms.Form): my_field = forms.ChoiceField( widget=HeavySelect2Widget( data_url='/url/to/json/response' ) ) """
[docs]class HeavySelect2MultipleWidget(HeavySelect2Mixin, Select2MultipleWidget): """Select2 multi select widget similar to :class:`.HeavySelect2Widget`."""
[docs]class HeavySelect2TagWidget(HeavySelect2Mixin, Select2TagWidget): """Select2 tag widget."""
# Auto Heavy widgets
[docs]class ModelSelect2Mixin: """Widget mixin that provides attributes and methods for :class:`.AutoResponseView`.""" model = None queryset = None search_fields = [] """ Model lookups that are used to filter the QuerySet. Example:: search_fields = [ 'title__icontains', ] """ max_results = 25 """Maximal results returned by :class:`.AutoResponseView`.""" @property def empty_label(self): if isinstance(self.choices, ModelChoiceIterator): return self.choices.field.empty_label return "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrite class parameters if passed as keyword arguments. Args: model (django.db.models.Model): Model to select choices from. queryset (django.db.models.query.QuerySet): QuerySet to select choices from. search_fields (list): List of model lookup strings. max_results (int): Max. JsonResponse view page size. """ self.model = kwargs.pop("model", self.model) self.queryset = kwargs.pop("queryset", self.queryset) self.search_fields = kwargs.pop("search_fields", self.search_fields) self.max_results = kwargs.pop("max_results", self.max_results) defaults = {"data_view": "django_select2:auto-json"} defaults.update(kwargs) super().__init__(*args, **defaults)
[docs] def set_to_cache(self): """ Add widget's attributes to Django's cache. Split the QuerySet, to not pickle the result set. """ queryset = self.get_queryset() cache.set( self._get_cache_key(), { "queryset": [queryset.none(), queryset.query], "cls": self.__class__, "search_fields": tuple(self.search_fields), "max_results": int(self.max_results), "url": str(self.get_url()), "dependent_fields": dict(self.dependent_fields), }, )
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, term, queryset=None, **dependent_fields): """ Return QuerySet filtered by search_fields matching the passed term. Args: request (django.http.request.HttpRequest): The request is being passed from the JSON view and can be used to dynamically alter the response queryset. term (str): Search term queryset (django.db.models.query.QuerySet): QuerySet to select choices from. **dependent_fields: Dependent fields and their values. If you want to inherit from ModelSelect2Mixin and later call to this method, be sure to pop everything from keyword arguments that is not a dependent field. Returns: QuerySet: Filtered QuerySet """ if queryset is None: queryset = self.get_queryset() search_fields = self.get_search_fields() select = Q() use_distinct = False if search_fields and term: for bit in term.split(): or_queries = [Q(**{orm_lookup: bit}) for orm_lookup in search_fields] select &= reduce(operator.or_, or_queries) or_queries = [Q(**{orm_lookup: term}) for orm_lookup in search_fields] select |= reduce(operator.or_, or_queries) use_distinct |= any( lookup_spawns_duplicates(queryset.model._meta, search_spec) for search_spec in search_fields ) if dependent_fields: select &= Q(**dependent_fields) use_distinct |= any( lookup_spawns_duplicates(queryset.model._meta, search_spec) for search_spec in dependent_fields.keys() ) if use_distinct: return queryset.filter(select).distinct() return queryset.filter(select)
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """ Return QuerySet based on :attr:`.queryset` or :attr:`.model`. Returns: QuerySet: QuerySet of available choices. """ if self.queryset is not None: queryset = self.queryset elif hasattr(self.choices, "queryset"): queryset = self.choices.queryset elif self.model is not None: queryset = self.model._default_manager.all() else: raise NotImplementedError( "%(cls)s is missing a QuerySet. Define " "%(cls)s.model, %(cls)s.queryset, or override " "%(cls)s.get_queryset()." % {"cls": self.__class__.__name__} ) return queryset
[docs] def get_search_fields(self): """Return list of lookup names.""" if self.search_fields: return self.search_fields raise NotImplementedError( '%s, must implement "search_fields".' % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def optgroups(self, name, value, attrs=None): """Return only selected options and set QuerySet from `ModelChoicesIterator`.""" default = (None, [], 0) groups = [default] has_selected = False selected_choices = {str(v) for v in value} if not self.is_required and not self.allow_multiple_selected: default[1].append(self.create_option(name, "", "", False, 0)) if not isinstance(self.choices, ModelChoiceIterator): return super().optgroups(name, value, attrs=attrs) selected_choices = { c for c in selected_choices if c not in self.choices.field.empty_values } field_name = self.choices.field.to_field_name or "pk" query = Q(**{"%s__in" % field_name: selected_choices}) for obj in self.choices.queryset.filter(query): option_value = self.choices.choice(obj)[0] option_label = self.label_from_instance(obj) selected = str(option_value) in value and ( has_selected is False or self.allow_multiple_selected ) if selected is True and has_selected is False: has_selected = True index = len(default[1]) subgroup = default[1] subgroup.append( self.create_option( name, option_value, option_label, selected_choices, index ) ) return groups
[docs] def label_from_instance(self, obj): """ Return option label representation from instance. Can be overridden to change the representation of each choice. Example usage:: class MyWidget(ModelSelect2Widget): def label_from_instance(obj): return str(obj.title).upper() Args: obj (django.db.models.Model): Instance of Django Model. Returns: str: Option label. """ return str(obj)
[docs]class ModelSelect2Widget(ModelSelect2Mixin, HeavySelect2Widget): """ Select2 drop in model select widget. Example usage:: class MyWidget(ModelSelect2Widget): search_fields = [ 'title__icontains', ] class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ('my_field', ) widgets = { 'my_field': MyWidget, } or:: class MyForm(forms.Form): my_choice = forms.ChoiceField( widget=ModelSelect2Widget( model=MyOtherModel, search_fields=['title__icontains'] ) ) .. tip:: The ModelSelect2(Multiple)Widget will try to get the QuerySet from the fields choices. Therefore you don't need to define a QuerySet, if you just drop in the widget for a ForeignKey field. """
[docs]class ModelSelect2MultipleWidget(ModelSelect2Mixin, HeavySelect2MultipleWidget): """ Select2 drop in model multiple select widget. Works just like :class:`.ModelSelect2Widget` but for multi select. """
[docs]class ModelSelect2TagWidget(ModelSelect2Mixin, HeavySelect2TagWidget): """ Select2 model widget with tag support. This it not a simple drop in widget. It requires to implement you own :func:`.value_from_datadict` that adds missing tags to you QuerySet. Example:: class MyModelSelect2TagWidget(ModelSelect2TagWidget): queryset = MyModel.objects.all() def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): '''Create objects for given non-pimary-key values. Return list of all primary keys.''' values = set(super().value_from_datadict(data, files, name)) # This may only work for MyModel, if MyModel has title field. # You need to implement this method yourself, to ensure proper object creation. pks = self.queryset.filter(**{'pk__in': list(values)}).values_list('pk', flat=True) pks = set(map(str, pks)) cleaned_values = list(values) for val in values - pks: cleaned_values.append(self.queryset.create(title=val).pk) return cleaned_values """